Embedded Protection Industry Blog

Maximizing Rental Revenue with Embedded Protection Technology

Written by Jessica Holcomb | Jul 20, 2023 2:00:00 PM

Raise your hand if you are working in an industry that is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.47% and is expected to reach a whopping $69 billion by 2026. I knew it, you look smart! In a world where you can rent just about anything from baby equipment to a tricked-out RV, this industry offers endless opportunities for profit. But even in a quickly growing industry, it's important to stay focused on the ultimate goal: maximizing revenue.

Dollars and Sense

Let's talk bucks. Equipment rental marketplaces generate revenue by charging rental fees for the equipment they provide, and the pricing of rentals can vary depending on factors such as the type of equipment, rental duration, the date, and geographical location...(pause for dramatic effect)...as well as current market dynamics. Which platform the customer chooses to use, market demand, and equipment condition all stack up to create a highly competitive equipment rental marketplace industry. As a result, price sensitivity is a significant factor in this space. Customers often compare rental prices across different platforms to find the most cost-effective options. Marketplaces that offer competitive rates and transparent pricing tend to attract a larger loyal customer base. 

We are sure you get asked why you stick it out in such a highly competitive industry, but with some reports indicating that rental marketplaces typically generate around 30% to 50% of the original equipment value (OEV) in one month of revenue, we get it.

Keep in mind that customers consider more than just price when making a purchase. They also take quality of equipment, availability, customer service, and positive reviews into account before hitting that beautiful, gleamy "checkout" button. So what if we told you there was a tool you could put in your arsenal to help strike that balance between competitive pricing and delivering amazing value to customers? Two words: embedded protection.

Embedded Protection Boosts Revenue and Customer Joy

In the pursuit of maximizing rental revenue, the equipment rental marketplace industry witnessed a monumental shift with the introduction of technology, embedded protection technology to be exact. This cutting-edge feature ensures that rented equipment is safeguarded against accidental damage or theft with the utmost efficiency. Customers can now experience a hassle-free renting experience without the stress of losing money due to unforeseen incidents. Fortified protection provides peace of mind to customers and helps rental marketplaces generate more revenue by encouraging repeat business and improving customer satisfaction.

It's a fact: offering insurance options at checkout can significantly boost your customer's spending. In fact, up to two-thirds of consumers have admitted that they would be swayed to spend more if insurance was available. Not only that, but customers who are presented with protection options for their online purchases are more likely to buy more goods from e-commerce retailers. Recent surveys have shown that a whopping 78% of customers would be more willing to buy more goods online if warranties and insurance were conveniently offered at checkout. This added sense of security is especially crucial for more expensive items, giving customers the assurance that their purchases are well protected. The best part? Using this technology not only protects the equipment, but it also helps rental marketplaces become more profitable in the long run. Want to learn how? Follow along as we compare Acme Rentals and CyberDyneShare (*fictional companies for the sake of an awesome example), one choosing to embrace its business's intrinsic risk while the other one thought it knew what it was doing by running its own super-secret protection plan.

Acme Rentals Vs. CyberDyneShare

Introducing Acme Rentals and CyberDyneShares, two leading equipment rental marketplaces catering to remarkably similar demographics and audiences. While these platforms share common ground, they diverge in their approaches to embedded protection. Acme Rentals, a forward-thinking player in the industry, recognized the importance of ensuring a secure experience for both its hosts and renters from the early stages of its business. Acme diligently implemented a sound, embedded protection plan with the help of a partner experienced in protection, technology, and compliance, learning how to provide total peace of mind to all parties involved. On the other hand, CyberDyneShares took a different path, driven by a secretive and self-centered mindset. It opted to develop its own exclusive protection plan built in-house, aiming to keep its inner workings hidden from the world with its endless boxes to click, unreadable fine print, and a claims department with a voicemail that is always promising they'll be back after lunch. Two marketplaces: one prizes cooperation and reliability, while the other embraces mystery. Let's see how this ends up.

Safeguarding Success: How Embedded Protection Sets Acme Rentals Apart from CyberDyneShares

Embedded protection technology is a comprehensive approach implemented by equipment rental marketplaces to safeguard rented items from accidental damage, loss, or theft. Unlike traditional insurance, which typically involves separate policies and claims processes, embedded protection offers a seamless and integrated solution that provides assurance to both hosts and renters. The divide between insurance and assurance arises from the intricate complexities of understanding and managing intrinsic risks within the equipment rental industry.

Acme Rentals understood the significance of being proactive in risk management for both itself and its customers. So, it joined forces with a top protection expert specializing in embedded rental protection. The goal? To provide customers with a smooth rental experience while minimizing financial risks.

In contrast, CyberDyneShares, driven by a desire for control and self-reliance, attempted to develop its own protection program without fully grasping the intricate nuances of the insurance and assurance industries. Cyber’s lack of understanding could potentially expose both hosts and renters to unforeseen vulnerabilities and undermine the trust and confidence of its user base. 
Embedded Protection: Trust-Building Power vs. Risky Secrecy

It’s no secret that the equipment rental marketplace can be pretty competitive, but right away, the presence of embedded protection technology sets Acme Rentals apart. Acme is able to provide numerous benefits that increase customer confidence, boost rental income, and simplify claims processing, utilizing intrinsic risk to its benefit. On the flip side, CyberDyneShares, with its mysterious protection program (all we know is that they call it Safenet), fails to provide the same quality of experience for its customers. This comparison explores the impact of embedded protection, backed by statistics and sources, revealing the potential disadvantages and fallout of CyberDyneShares' decision to withhold crucial protection information from its hosts and renters. Let's Compare.

Acme Rentals, with its transparent embedded protection offering, can boast about an almost immediate increase in trust by assuring hosts and renters that their valuable equipment is safeguarded against unforeseen damage or loss. This trust becomes a catalyst for customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth, ultimately boosting rental revenue and establishing Acme Rentals as a market leader.

In stark contrast, as you can see, CyberDyneShares' decision to keep its protection program shrouded in secrecy raises eyebrows and concerns among its customers. CyberDyneShares’ program not only undermines its transparency but also jeopardizes customer trust. The lack of information surrounding its protection program results in increased skepticism, potential disputes, and a negative impact on CyberDyneShares’ reputation. Additionally, the lack of transparency and security in the rental process causes customers to leave and choose rental platforms that better prioritize these values.

It is crucial for rental marketplaces to prioritize embedded protection programs that offer a clear value proposition, demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction and risk mitigation. Acme Rentals' success in leveraging embedded protection technology to increase trust, revenue, and streamline the claims process serves as a prime example of the advantages that come with transparent protection offerings. CyberDyneShares, on the other hand, faces potential fallout from its secretive approach, risking customer dissatisfaction, loss of trust, and ultimately, a decline in market share.
Building Trust Drives Conversion

Harnessing Intrinsic Risk in 2023

Pssst...did you hear? Yeah, CyberDynesShares had to close their doors. Yeah, massive lawsuit. But you know who saw that coming? EVERYONE. But especially here at Tint, we tried to tell them! If we told them once, we told them a million times--proactive intrinsic risk mitigation is a vital strategy that industry professionals should prioritize. This approach involves taking proactive measures to identify and address your marketplace's potential risks before they materialize, ensuring a secure and reliable rental experience for both hosts and renters. And don't worry, we aren't going to breeze by the importance of seamless claims management, regulatory and compliance, and continued innovation.

The Power of Seamless Case/Claims Management

We don't have to tell you that in the equipment rental marketplace, a seamless claims management process is like a magic trick that keeps customers coming back. When customers encounter an issue or damage with their rented equipment, a smooth and efficient claims process can turn their whole day around. By promptly addressing claims, providing clear communication, and offering swift resolutions, rental marketplaces can show, in real-time, their commitment to customer service and satisfaction. Per Salesforce, 78% of consumers will return after a mistake if the customer service received was excellent. All of this leads to increased customer loyalty, positive word-of-mouth recommendations, and a competitive edge in the market.

Regulators, mount up

Staying within the bounds of regulation and compliance at all times in the insurance space can be difficult. Insurance is a highly regulated industry with laws and codes changing all the time. And they refuse to be ignored! Non-compliance can lead to hefty fines and legal troubles, neither of which anybody wants. By prioritizing compliance and staying up to date with regulations, rental marketplaces can protect themselves from legal troubles and maintain a positive image  with both regulators and customers.

The Need for Continued Innovation

In order to succeed in the highly competitive equipment rental industry, it is crucial to constantly innovate. It's not just about providing the newest equipment but also includes innovative methods to ensure the safety of hosts and renters. With evolving risks and customer expectations, innovative approaches to risk mitigation are an absolute must.

Tint Your World

Looking to harness your own intrinsic risk? Of course you are—no one wants to end up like CyberDyneShares! We're Tint, the tech magic behind seamless insurance solutions for marketplace platforms. We work with various marketplaces because we can offer a treasure trove of protection products and services that transform customer experiences and unlock substantial revenue streams. Let's start your journey with Tint!

What we are about:

  • Expert Guidance

Get ready to be amazed by the Tint team of insurance experts. We will provide expert guidance on risk management, coverage options, and pricing, ensuring that you control your insurance domain. We will work our magic to understand your users' needs and create the perfect embedded insurance program for you. You're in control of your risk and reward.

  • Protection Program Infrastructure

With our seamless API integration, you can easily manage your protection program. Our app offers a comprehensive solution for managing your total solution digitally, from creating contracts to handling cases. Our architecture is scalable to meet your growing needs, and our app is SOC II compliant to ensure your data is always secure.

  • Confidence in Compliance

Navigating insurance regulations can be confusing and overwhelming, but you're talking to the experts over here. With our legal eagles' help, you can easily navigate the complex world of compliance, avoiding any fines or legal issues. Tint will help you become a compliance champion.

  • Risk Transfer

Take your intrinsic risk and turn it into an opportunity for additional revenue streams. Participating in the risk of a well-designed program means increased profit and a higher degree of flexibility. Assurance Backed By Insurance allows Tint customers to take advantage of opportunities typically reserved for Fortune 500 companies.

  • Case Management

Never underestimate what your case management experience can do to your business. According to Insurance Business Magazine, companies with efficient claims management processes have a higher customer satisfaction rate. Tint has the experience and the infrastructure designed with advanced features that make it effortless to manage policies and claims without hiccups. You no longer need to fret over lost claims or negative reviews.

  • New Profit Center

Tint helps turn your protection program into a profit-generating machine by applying our AI-build API to your historical data, combining market insights and our vast Assurance Backed By Insurance (ABBI) wisdom to improve underwriting and unleash financial success.

Lessons Learned

So what did we learn? Acme Rentals had it right all along by thinking proactively about its business and the best ways to protect its users. Poor CyberDyneShares. But you know...there was always something a little bit off with them...am I right?

In any case, we know that there are a lot of things to consider before launching an embedded protection plan. With Tint, you get expert guidance and software that lets you own and manage your protection plan. You decide how much risk you want to take on and you get to enjoy the increased revenue. Sounds easy? It is, for you. Leave it to us to handle the hard work. You'll be set to continue scaling your embedded protection plan without using your engineering resources. 

And don't worry, I know what you are thinking—I was just going to mention how to reach us. 
Just click "Find your Tint," and we'll be there.